It has been the most amazing couple of weeks meeting the most interesting people. I took valuable time to get to know new folks in my life, and we found our interests to be similar. Like attracts like. I have heard this cliche' throughout my life, not having the experience to the degree I have recently. It appears to be gaining momentum. What a wonderful season of 'Meet and Greet' this is.
My journal remarks have been lessened as my valuable time being spent on my new acquaintances is not 'new' time. The reapportionment is made possible by choosing the desired outcome ahead of the actual time spent. Many of the words in my life lately have been more read than written. They continue to inspire and assist me in returning to the heart center of my personal growth and development where I invest in peace and memories that I collect and nurture.
We all have time that we decide to make valuable. "What is the best use of your time" is a question I ask myself on a daily basis. And it always comes down to choice. Ahead of the choice is the desired outcome, the plan to get there and the roadmap to the goal. All along the way are these brilliant little snippets that I want to remember. For me, journal writing is the way I scrapbook the interesting details of life. Unless I do it in some manner each day, the finest details are not as easily recalled. There seems to be only some much space in my brain. Journal writing allows me to transfer some of that data onto the page and gain valuable space for more details to discover. The cycle continues and the rhythms establish the day to day routine. I make sure to use my valuable time to the best of my ability. The best laid plans usually have a mind of their own, however. I rarely have that much control over all the details of my life. I write something every day, even if only a short prayer or blessing for someone on my heart. Over time, the value of these remembrances is priceless