Yes, love comes in all shapes and sizes, colors and combinations, up and downs, ins and outs, and the good, the bad and the ugly. There is no doubt that as human beings, our ideal wellness benefits from love. This article showcases the obvious benefits, of course. I say it's a good thing we have a day when we bring it up for discussion, as we can use a few more gentle reminders that we all need more love. I am thankful for you today. I am thankful for each one of my heartbeats. Our healthy heart makes so much more of life possible.
Pucker Up!
Long live the kiss for it's wellness benefits. Today is a great day for a 'kiss-workout'! This article goes into greater details that I was surprised to discover, like burning calories!! I say let's put in some extra time here.
Get more than you give.
When it comes to wellness benefits of hugs, your investment pays you back immediately. Hug-energy often flows both ways, according to this article. They are free to give and are usually graciously received and warmly-welcomed. Love on a budget-hug often!
Not only romantic love.
How could you bring more love into your life? Today? This week? Throughout the year? Various ways to incorporate love into your life are here. Remember to take care of number one along the way. Your own heart matters the most when it comes to the wellness benefits of love.