My New Project
"The Power of the Positive Pen; Your Writes to Pursuing Your Passion and Purpose" by Janet L Arnold ©2016 is being created, one word at a time. I have stood at this gate, as words begin to line up, before. It feels so familiar and delightful and frightening all at the same time. I have this idea, vision, and collective muse running amok, teasing the tips of my fingers. Only when my pen is put to paper as I mind map and make every effort to organize these thoughts, do I have any sense of peace. This is THAT time...When I cannot NOT write.
The Story
In my first book, the inside looked out and found safe passage to express the old story. Over the past year, I have learned the power of my story, and learned that we all have a story. We write our legacy story every day with our behaviors, actions, beliefs and character. In the blink of an eye, our story can change, whether we intend to change it or life changes our story.
Being Coachable
I am blessed to be surrounded with people who are guiding me, coaching and caring for me and helping me create the story that I WANT to be told. When the history of my life is recorded, I'd prefer to have my pen on the paper. What I have learned is that we can write any story we want to. The mystery is where we discover our true desires about what we want and how our legacy begins to reveal itself. The effort comes to bear when we intentionally guide the next chapters of our stories. We meet the characters and become entangled in their stories, changing the course of the end of the last chapter. Writing and re-writing, on and on it goes. Again, I prefer to have my pen on the paper.
As this idea began to surface, I see a community that contributes the next words, plots, subtitles and chapters. Through our positive presence and influence of our words, keeping our passion and purpose in front of us, we are writing the legacy of the next generation and all that follow after it. Our digital age is commanding new paradigm shifts in how we chose to interact with our world. It requires an intentional connection with those who we hold dear, those who help us with the building blocks of our lives. Our pen on the paper engages our head and our heart through the miracle of the hand that rarely rocks the cradle any more. I feel compelled to keep the light turned on in the rooms that house our work, our words, our relationships, our legacies.
Pick Up Your Pen
I have some fun and entertaining exercises for us to do to shine a light on what really gives us joy. Journal writing remains at the core of this curriculum, and it is my intention that we never graduate. As each passion is revealed and each purpose realized, others follow to lead us into our legacies of potential.
Stay Positive
There is one rule with this project. This must remain positive. My promise to you is that this is a positive space. Come here to spend 'spa-time-with-your-mind'. The 'Newsog' will deliver only positive content. It is my hope that you begin to feel the influence of positivity that begins to flow through your life like the ink through your pen. Your job: Positive Inking!!
Begin with a new journal, notebook or even in the comments below. For the next few days, use words that reveal your joy. Include words that hold your joy in context, i.e. Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Until next time, think in ink.
#passion #purpose #journalwriting #legacy #story #community #newsog #intention #potential #positivethinking #thinkinink