I continued to pursue the multiple dimensions of respect this weekend. My Concordance is leading the way, as we lingered at leadership for a couple of days. Likely, because I live with it every day, I wanted to see if there is wisdom I may, perhaps need, in the current climate and times of the many things I am doing.
Would you agree that leadership is a boat-load of wisdom and understanding? And with respect as the adhesive that holds it together? 'Respect' could be the the air that dries the clay we have been molded from or the fire of the furnace we are made strong in. It is also in our choices of the leaders we follow, connect with, and glean our wisdom from.
Would you agree that leadership is a boat-load of wisdom and understanding? And with respect as the adhesive that holds it together? 'Respect' could be the the air that dries the clay we have been molded from or the fire of the furnace we are made strong in. It is also in our choices of the leaders we follow, connect with, and glean our wisdom from.
Today's particular stop in the road was at patience. I wondered how that might fit into today's world or the details of my own life, and what jumps out in clear view is the 'getting ahead of the natural order'. I am not going to shout my personal views about the way commercialism has taken control of traditions. Gray Thursday is just not acceptable in my view. At the end of the day, it is only my view, and understand that I am only speaking because I am not sure I can NOT say something. I am thankful that I can vote with my dollars, speaking very clearly going forward, with my respectful view of a lack of patience and the lack of acknowledgment that we need our traditions. Someone said to me yesterday, "What about you? You are open (speaking of the hotel)" My reply was, "We are in the 24 hour business. We are expected to be open." There is a hefty price to be paid for always being 'open'.
My team pays that price every holiday. These are our choices. Our votes are part of the multiple dimensions of respect.