More often the bull in the china shop, it is on my heart today to be gentle in what I do. There is a feeling of the need to be gentle. It is a word I have on my heart that continues to linger. As I continue on my own personal journey and Awaken, the urgings of my heart are more profound and they go on to answer many of my questions.
Perhaps the feeling is what remains after the Rise Up Event this past weekend, where my spiritual bucket was filled. Perhaps I am fending off the virus that so many others are fighting around me. This is not my typical Monday morning, shot-like-a-rocket attack on the day. I feel the ease of a gentle breeze today that almost feels odd and out of place.
So much so that I looked it up in my "Strong's Concordance" and then went to my big red book ("Life Application Study Bible") for more insight. Simply stated, we are encouraged to maintain a gentle attitude in our relationships with others.
Perhaps age is mellowing me. I'd like to think that it could be a direct reflection of the company I keep these days. I am thankful that the days of the rat race are waning, making time for more reflections and learning to enjoy the feeling of the 'ease'. At least for today, I am going to follow the gentle urgings of my heart and be gentle in what I do.
Perhaps the feeling is what remains after the Rise Up Event this past weekend, where my spiritual bucket was filled. Perhaps I am fending off the virus that so many others are fighting around me. This is not my typical Monday morning, shot-like-a-rocket attack on the day. I feel the ease of a gentle breeze today that almost feels odd and out of place.
So much so that I looked it up in my "Strong's Concordance" and then went to my big red book ("Life Application Study Bible") for more insight. Simply stated, we are encouraged to maintain a gentle attitude in our relationships with others.
Perhaps age is mellowing me. I'd like to think that it could be a direct reflection of the company I keep these days. I am thankful that the days of the rat race are waning, making time for more reflections and learning to enjoy the feeling of the 'ease'. At least for today, I am going to follow the gentle urgings of my heart and be gentle in what I do.