On my peace platform, think about peace of mind, and your contribution.
Are you set up for direct deposit when it comes to your peace of mind? And what of your contribution to the peace in your family, your co-workers, and your friends?
“Live now, enjoy Life now! Love now, for this now is the precious moment that is creating our lives. Each now is unique -- it won’t come back in time. In it we leave a footprint, and within that impression are the actions we leave behind. Each step we take, we leave a mark. The path is created by the steps a person takes while walking it.”
― Jacqueline Ripstein, The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness
This is the direct deposit of which I refer to. The legacy that you invest in today. Right now! Will you write it as you live it? How will you describe your current peace of mind? And what do you aspire to? Where is the source of your peace of mind? I have a deep belief that when you journal about your peace, you are investing in it. I believe it gets released to find it's way to others. Can you imagine having plenty to go around?
Are you set up for direct deposit when it comes to your peace of mind? And what of your contribution to the peace in your family, your co-workers, and your friends?
“Live now, enjoy Life now! Love now, for this now is the precious moment that is creating our lives. Each now is unique -- it won’t come back in time. In it we leave a footprint, and within that impression are the actions we leave behind. Each step we take, we leave a mark. The path is created by the steps a person takes while walking it.”
― Jacqueline Ripstein, The Art of HealingArt: The Keys to Power and Awareness
This is the direct deposit of which I refer to. The legacy that you invest in today. Right now! Will you write it as you live it? How will you describe your current peace of mind? And what do you aspire to? Where is the source of your peace of mind? I have a deep belief that when you journal about your peace, you are investing in it. I believe it gets released to find it's way to others. Can you imagine having plenty to go around?
Consider the potential of your contribution to the peace of mind of the planet, and make a direct deposit N.O.W. (No Opportunity Wasted).